Friday, 15 July 2011

Brockholes Nature Reserve

We took a trip to Brockholes Nature Reserve on Monday. Its a huge site and the view of the floating visitor centre is very impressive as you drive up to it, like some Viking Settlement with its shingled roofs turning a lovely silver in the sun. There are three lakes/ponds, marshy areas, dry grassland and woodlands to explore and a childrens play area. Lots of Butterflies, Bees and Hoverflies feeding on the plentiful wild flowers. With the aid of my well thumbed  field guide to flowers , I think there was Ladies Bedstraw, Thale Cress, Common Mallow, Tufted Vetch, Meadowsweet, Enchanters Nightshade, Wild Carrot, Wild mint, Yellow Wort, Yellow Rattle, Honeysuckle, Devils Bit Scabious, Corn Chamomile (it smelt like the tea), Orchids and some wonderful tall Scotch Thistles. After a walk we had a coffee at the visitor centre -  sat on the terrace overlooking the lake in the hot sun made us feel a little bit like we were on a cruise in the Nile (Lancashire accents aside).  Theres also a small deli and gift shop which sells bird food, so we stocked up before heading home.
Meadow Brown


Brockholes Visitor Centre



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