Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wet Walk in Wellies.

Did circular walk around Gisburn, how quickly things have changed since my last walk. Threatening leaden clouds filled the sky, and the varied green hues of the grasses and leaves on the trees have faded now and have the tocacco tint of a summer nearly over. Still lots of swallows swooping and weaving over Franks cow sheds, little glimpses of summer against a drizzly sky. Spooked a large hare again, this time it stopped about a 100 ft away to turn and stare at me then took off again. Photographed the patchwork bark of a tree that looked like the sort of thing you would get if Dr Frankenstein had branched out (sorry)  into trees. Orange Cuckoo Pint  berries lurk in the long grasss in the hedge bottoms and the peculiar shapes of fungi are starting to appear.

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