Curlew spotted near Slaidburn and Swans, Stocks Reservoir

Dogs Mercury and Wild Garlic shoots

Lords and Ladies and Hare trying to be a rock
It's been a lovely sunny week, cold but very pleasant after what has felt like a very long winter. Everything seems suddenly to have stirred into action. Lords and Ladies leaves are unfurling in the shelter of hedge bottoms, wild garlic leaves are pushing through, gently scenting the air with garlic, garlic mustard seedlings seem to be sprouting everywhere. Watched honey bees feeding on yellow crocus flowers, their hind legs covered in pollen. Heard my first curlew call over the weekend, my favourite sound and means springs definitely here. Also got a starling that does an excellent imitation of a curlew! Drove over to lower Fairsnape Farm, watched two hares boxing and chasing across field. When one had seen the other off it stretched out and lay down in the sun. Hares are amazingly well camouflaged drove past one and thought it was a rock that looked like a hare, then realised it was a hare that seemed to have managed to flatten its features and look like a rock.