Warm, sunny day with a lovely light breeze. Went for a walk in Langden Valley, hoping to see some Redpolls, no luck though other people had spotted them. Saw Oystercatchers mating by river. Lots of Stoneflies out sunning themselves on rocks by river. As the path climbed, started to see a number of Green Hairstreak butterflies and the occasional Green Tiger Beetle darting amongst the heather. Then I saw what looked like the shadow of something else dance across our path and at first thought what on earth is that newt doing. Then I realised it was a dark coloured lizard. We saw at least 3 more of variable size and colour - one being almost golden with a stripe down its back. We then had an evening walk along the river in Dunsop Bridge and spotted Willow Warblers singing on the gorse and watched a Kestrel get mobbed by Crows.


Green Hairstreak butterfly

Green Tiger Beetle
Driving past Cross o' Greets, saw a male Hen Harrier hunting, surprised by the size of the pink tag on his wing, (no.18). There was a family of Greylag geese nearby and I wondered if the Hen Harrier would take one of their chicks. The six chicks were exactly the same greeny yellow as patches of moss and were only visible when their parents started to lead them away up the slope.

Hen Harrier

Greylag geese